Noble Silver Double Edge Safety Razor With 10 Counts Razor Blades

Noble Silver Double Edge Safety Razor


Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Cristo Hernández
Zomchí, una buena maquinilla de afeitar (

Review @zomchi.zerowaste
Safety Razor modelo Silver Peine Cerrado. 💈


Con 85 gramos en total (46 gramos el mango y 39 gramos el cabezal) es una maquinilla muy versátil.

El mango o cabo es de fácil agarre, labrado diagonalmente haciendo que no se te deslice o resbale de las manos.

El cabezal compuesto en base y tapa (25 gramos la base y 14 gramos la tapa) con una rosca reforzada diagonalmente por dos topes o botones metálicos a lo largo de una barra diagonal que termina en estos dos topes que comentaba, que cada uno sujeta la cuchilla de afeitar y se introducen en dos huecos de la placa (estos no tienen gran profundidad) dejando ver solo una perforación para introducir la rosca y así creando una vista completamente lisa y con unas terminaciones redondeadas a ambos lados.

Se ve sólida y encajan perfectamente, no teniendo holgura alguna que nos pueda dañar a la hora del afeitado.

El desalojo de la espuma a la hora del afeitado sale por dos grandes ventanas con un refuerzo al medio y con unas barras labradas que hacen más fácil el deslizamiento de la cuchilla en el cutis, arrastrando el vello facial sin obturación alguna.

Afeitado 🪒

Comodidad en el agarre desliza sola y es muy suave. No noto tropiezos algunos en los pases que doy a favor, lateral, ni en contra (cara, cuello y calva cabeza) y la espuma sale sin dificultad.

Tiene similitud con la R89 de Mülhe o la CKing de Gillette, dos maquinillas estrellas para iniciarse en el afeitado clásico.

Zomchií no tiene nada que envidiar a las anteriormente mencionadas ya que es muy agradable a la hora del afeitado y un buen regalo para alguien que se inicia en el afeitado clásico.

Para hacerla más agresiva a los que ya no somos neófitos del afeitado clásico podemos ponerles cuchillas más rasuradoras como la Súper Iridium de Wizamet, Treet, Feather, etc.


Maquinilla suave, bien ensamblada con color plata mate, muy elegante, de acabados muy bonitos y bien elaborados.

#zomchi #zomchizerowaste #zomchirazor #afeitadoclasico

Ray Moonie
Easy to use nice mild razor

I was very impressed with the build and weight of this razor. I like that the blade tabs are closed and the geometry makes it very easy to find your proper shaving angle. Well worth it if you're in the market for a budget razor, or are even just a beginner to wet shaving.

Fabrizio Pellegrino
Rasoio di sicurezza

Il rasoio di sicurezza della zomchi non ha rivali, facile da montare e fare le accurate manutenzioni più cambio lame. La leggerezza del rasoio fa si che la rasatura sia più confortevole e più precisa. Ottimistico prodotto da provare assolutamente

Freddie Payne
Great razor for beginners & veteran shavers alike!

I was recently contacted by Zomchi through my page on Instagram (@paynefreddie), asking if I would be interested in trying their razor and sharing my thoughts. Their company message is one of environmental friendliness and zero waste and have several offers to chose from. I love trying new gear and jumped at the chance.

The razor arrived quickly and well packaged. Out of the box was nice and well made, no issues in finish or fit and form. I expected it to be heavier but was pleasantly surprised with the weight. All together it weighs exactly 3oz on my scale. Handle is hollow and a length of 3.9 inches. Threading is standard. Razor is cast, but head tolerances are tight, even, and allow no blade play. The design also covers the end tabs which is a bonus IMO.

The razor comes with a tuck of Zomchi blades, but I chose to start with my tried and true made in India Wilkinson Sword blade to get a true feel of the razor itself. Blade exposure was even on both side and had zero chatter while shaving. The shave is audible enough that you know its doing the job. Aggression is on the lower side of mild but the shave quality is very efficient. Completed my normal 3 pass shave (W, A, X the grain) and was left BBS with zero nicks or weapers. I've used as a daily with back to back shavea and then skipped a day and half to see how it handled more stubble. It mowed it all down with ease.

Cost wise the razor is a great deal for under $30. Personally I find this to be a great value for the quality of razor and shave and recommend it to anyone looking for a mild but efficient daily driver, a great starter for child or anyone looking to get into DE shaving, or even as a great travel razor. This one clicks all the buttons for me and I look forward to it being in my rotation.

William Cox
Noble Silver Double Edge Safety Razor

I loved this razor very smooth shaver mild but efficient.
Nice balance and weight. Very nicely constructed!!!! For the money you can’t beat it!!!!!