Le Socle de Rasoir de Sécurité en Métal Or Rose
Choose reusable products and reduce waste to protect the earth. Let's start with reusable products and work together for a better future.

Considérer l’expérience d’achat de client, on offre un socle de rasoir joli. C’est un outil superbe pour placer le rasoir de sécurité Zomchi et d’autres rasoirs.
En plus, ce socle est en laiton chromé de haute qualité et il n’est pas facile à rouiller!
Convient à tous les rasoirs de sûreté Zomchi et à la plupart des rasoirs de sûreté standard d'autres marques.

Le Socle de Rasoir de Sécurité en Métal Or Rose
They do provide the measurements in the product details, but it still seems a bit small. However, it does match the given dimensions. And, it does provide a reasonably stable base for a razor. The significant other mentioned that this would be nice for her personal needs (a subtle hint). And, she adores the rose gold finish on the product. In fact, careful examination found no scratches, nicks or defects in the surface. She tested her razor, and it fit perfectly, providing a good base/stand.Attached are photos to show real world images, with a ruler for size reference. Various angles are shown for an overview of the base.Based on quality of materials and beautiful finish, this base stand garners a 4.5 - 4.75 star rating, with a high level recommendation.